Eddie and quincy bullen: father and son dueling piano concert
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Dueling Pianos is a celebration of a beautiful relationship between a father and son. A relationship that, but for a father’s determination, commitment and love, could have detoured to strife and opposition. It is a reminder that music has a central place in our lives, to inspire us in all ways, including our work.
Two generations are represented in a very fine narrative powerfully presented with two voices, speaking to the timeline of sacrifice to triumph, of one generation passing its best on to the next. And, from the father’s perspective as a renaissance leader, also speaking to the qualities of inspiring others that he wants to pass on to his son.
The narrative and the specific musical pieces of Dueling Pianos are deliberately selected to demonstrate the pain and joy in reaching for and attaining excellence. Audiences are treated to masterful renditions of our own Oscar Peterson’s ‘Hymn to Freedom’, of John Coltrane’s ‘Giant Steps’ and more… arranged for two pianos, as the musicians weave the musical classics of Jazz, Classical, Calypso, Reggae and The Blues into their story, showing how the father prepared his son to understand and embrace his historical roots, the roots of music and the world’s great musicians.
For the father his show is his legacy. The son, for his part, shows how this mentoring has shaped his music and his life.
Doors Open: 4 P.M.
Concert: 5 P.M.
Tickets are available HERE