HAPPEning multicultural festival
May 29-June 1, 2019
HAPPENING is a four-day Festival that will engage more than 60 artists/performers who self-identified as people of diverse communities, immigrants, newcomers and refugees. Happening brings together traditional and contemporary music, dance, visual arts, story telling, poetry, crafts and food.
During HAPPENING Multicultural Festival we are creating opportunities for professional development for artists interested in working with communities as well as creating opportunities for organizations to network with artists and other organizations.
MUSE ARTS a.k.a Sick Muse Arts seeks to engage community organizations, immigrant, newcomer and refugee artists and local residents to promote love for arts, inclusion, solidarity and community building. We believe in the importance of fostering and building connections among artists and other community partners to achieve that purpose.
Working with community partners,MUSE ARTS creates spaces for Emerging Artists from equity seeking groups to showcase their work, to access opportunities for professional development and to engage communities meaningfully and actively in hands-on, high quality arts education integrated to community building and social justice.